Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 18

8 Tasting independence PHILIPPE BARRET W ith my European friends I are three kinds of Beaufort: Winter, stand in the ripening room of Summer and high mountain cheese. slices of Beaufort on our tongues. My connection to the Beaufortain the Beaufort cheese cooperative in Winter Beaufort is produced when area had been lost somewhere in the the village of Beaufort, in the Savoie cows eat hay, and Summer Beaufort mists of time. No matter how much I region of southern France, surrounded when they eat grass. There is also a searched in my memory, I cannot find by impressive whole cheese third season of Beaufort that we do not the triggering moment. I end believing wheels. We are a colourful group of sell in cooperatives, which is produced that this connection is due to the Europeans participating in a field trip exclusively in the higher pastures, with wonderful taste and fragrance of on one of Forum Synergies’ European milk from just a single herd. Farmers Beaufort, ‘the king of Gruyères’, whose Rural Sustainability Gatherings. We are the only ones who have the right flavour and texture have always want to learn about local innovations to call their cheese ‘Alpage’, which delighted me. based on sustainable practices. comes from their Alpine pastures,” she Jocelyne Viard-Crétat, the salesperson of the local dairy explains. We are invited to dive into Beaufort carries a protected geographical label of origin (PDO) and therefore no other cheese can be cooperative invites us to meet the Beaufortain mountain pastures with produced and marketed under this seasons of Beaufort cheese: “There summer grass and winter hay, thin name.