Rural Europe on the move English_chap7_13 | Page 15

Local Food Matters! PE OP LE ! Boban Ilic is Secretary General of SWG, the Standing Working Group for Regional Rural Development of South West Europe, based in Skopje. SWG co-organised the Bitola workshop. After the war in the Balkans Boban Ilic initiated this multinational working group on agricultural and rural development policy between the new national governments in the region, with a spirit to re-establish peace through cooperation. SWG strongly supports bottom-up rural development initiatives and networks such as the Balkan Rural Development Network BRDN, and it applies the LEADER principles to all its support projects. “We have made much progress,” says Boban. “We are a region with great diversity; of people, cultures, religions, biodiversity, tasty food, and beautiful landscapes. In principle we have all we need. But our economy and our governance is still not working that way. We lose our young and best educated people. The EU has promised long ago that we can join but it is keeping its doors closed. If Brussels does not get its act together soon Europe will see drastic consequences not only in this region.” LOCAL FOOD MATTERS T IN A NUTSHELL he renaissance of local food diversity inflexible as some member states administrations and quality strongly depends upon local or populist politicians may suggest. The EU hygiene stakeholders’ own initiatives, and upon engaged regulation gives member states the flexibility to cooperation between farmers, local food adapt certain rules to specific local conditions. movements and competent food safety authorities. Thus, newcomers to the EU may offer innovative The workshop organised by Forum Synergies solutions to finding a good balance between and its partners in 2014 in Bitola illustrates the increased demand of consumers for local, fresh impressive impact that constructive dialogue can and high-quality products and improved rules to achieve on national food hygiene rules and food avoid food hygiene risks. The Bitola workshop has quality legislation, even in a EU neighbour country strengthened the spirit of the local food movement like North Macedonia. and has built trust between local stakeholders The loss of small farms and the closing of local and food administration. It has contributed to a food processing enterprises can be avoided if new self-confidence of stakeholders that they can existing food safety legislation is adapted and shape their own economies and livelihoods through intelligently interpreted, taking into account the cooperation. And it has hopefully inspired people specific local processing and marketing conditions in the Western Balkans and the EU to work more and shelf life of products. EU legislation is not as closely together for a better and enlarged Europe. 91