Running On Sober Issue 2 | Page 4

SAGE, SASSY & SOBER ISSUE 2 EDITORS NOTE Editor's Note: Moving on in 2018 : Making Progress. by Jackie Elliott Photos by Jessica Breeze Photography After putting together this month's articles, I noticed a theme - letting go and moving on. New Year is all about making a 'fresh start", but we can't do that until we have let go all that in our life that hasn't served us. You have to unload your shitcart in order to move forward! I am so happy to have Sarah Cornfotth of the Magickal Creatix to walk us through an End of Year ceremony. Even if you are not a 'woo woo" person, this article is still helpful and interesting. Fresh starts are always exciting. But it's worth remembering that significant changes don't happen over night, it's the small consistent steps of progress that will win out. So my wish for you this 2018, is a year of progress, rather than perfection, and a celebration of every victory, no matter how small! If you would like to contribute to Sage, Sassy & Sober, either by submitting an article, or becoming a regular columnist, I would love to hear from you! There are also advertising opportunities, so please email me for briefs and guidelines [email protected] EDITORS NOTE | 4