Running On Sober Community Ezine Issue 6 | Page 3

RUNNING ON SOBER ISSUE 6 EDITORS NOTE Editor's Note: Summertime..and the living is easy..... by Jackie Elliott Photos by Jessica Breeze Photography So the song goes. But for those of us who are newly sober, trying to be sober, or just trying to get a grip on out of control boozing, the summer months pose their own unique obstacles. Apart from BBQs (served with lashing of cold beer) and romantic sunsets (lubricated with chilled rose) , there are also the issues of bored children on summer hols, the parade of thirsty summer visitors, or indeed the “all-inclusive” booze ups in Cabo. It’s no wonder that a Sober Summer seems almost impossible at times, and that the Wine Witch whispers into your ear…..”Go on, just have fun…you can always quit in September…” I was newly sober when summer began (I quit in the first week of May) and, like you, I was tempted to throw in the towel around the end of June, when our first wave of summer guests started to arrive. It would have been easy. Instead of feeling awkward and ridiculous sipping on my sparkling water, I could have sunk into that warm cosy feeling of drunken camaraderie and belonging…… followed of course by hungover mornings, irritability, and days of being slumped on the couch, instead of carefree outings to the beach. I chose a Sober Summer. I won’t lie, it wasn’t always easy. This Sober Summer Survival Edition is a result of what I learned and experienced….and what I wished I knew, when I look back. Have a fabulous Sober Summer, Love, Jackie xx EDITORS NOTE | 3