Running On... JUN/JUL 2017 | Page 8

Executive Desk

Enlarge My Territory



Bless me, bless me

Oh Lord, bless me indeed,

Enlarge my territory

Oh Lord, bless me indeed

As we enter the summer season, where the rain from spring, is causing the flowers, trees and crops to grow, I can’t help but to take a moment to pause and gaze in awe, at the beauty of what God spoke into existence and how everything that is growing all started with a seed. A seed that was planted, watered on a regular basis, I marvel at how the heat and rays from the sun caused the plant to grow and how the growth of certain trees produces an abundance amount of fruit.

It’s at these moments, I can’t help but think of how God will oftentimes use others and sometimes Himself to plant a seed, that dream or vision, in us and it is our research, planning and the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us, as well as revealing to us how and when we are to proceed, that becomes the ground where we, that dream and/or vision is growing and Jesus, who is the Son (sun), that causes us to grow into full maturity, where at that point and only when He says it is time, that we bear the fruit, the fruition of the dream or vision, being fulfilled.

I am so looking forward to this season, termed summer, for this is the season to grow, not just for enduring the harsh winter, the trials, tribulations and lessons that were learned, often the hard way, but also spring, when the weather began to warm, which signaled an end and a fresh beginning as the rain washed away all the remnant of winter and planning, preparation and the process has begun, so that we may yield a greater number of fruit than ever before.

There is something about this season that has me giddy. Dreams from childhood, dreams from yesteryear and dreams that seemingly got lost or left by the wayside, are coming to fruition. A sister-n-Christ, Elder Larita Howard, has started a movement, aptly titled, “Dream Again”, is urging those that will listen and believe, to dust off those dreams, visions and ideas and just dream again of bringing them to pass, because this is the season, to not just dream again, but to finally act on them.

“Running On…” magazine, has some exciting news to announce, all because we dared to dream about getting the publication into more hands and to impact the world more than we have in the three and a half years, we have been in existence. As we grow, we want our readers to grow with us, so I dare each and every one of you to, DREAM AGAIN!!!

I pray this publication blesses each of you the way it has blessed me!!!

Simply Blessed,


Hazel Williams


EMAIL: [email protected]

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