Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 6

Preparing for the Harvest!!!


As we near the “season of Harvest”, it seems to most of us a time to take a look at self.

This is a time for each of us to ask the Lord to empty our hearts of all the ‘trash’ we’ve allowed satan to place there and to fill our hearts with His love and Fruit of the Spirit, which consists of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

It’s also a time for us to seek Him on healing our hearts, from past hurts, anger, disappointments and etc., that seem to hold us hostage and stagnant. And, while we’re on the matters of the heart, we can make our petition known for God to speak to our hearts, as we seek Him to heal our minds, hearts, soul, body and spirit.

One of the things that can have us at a standstill, is unforgiveness. Be it forgiveness to what we have said or done or what others have said or done to us.

Yes, I said unforgiveness!!!

Yes, I know that person was dead wrong for what they said or did to you. And, I know those words and/or actions felt like daggers piercing your heart and very soul, until you were left wounded, hurt and sometimes it seemed like you had dropped to your knees and were too weak to get up and may have caused bitterness, hatred, contentions and other feelings to take root and grow.

And, yes, I know there are some things and people that you said you would NEVER forgive, but I want you to know you can NOT move on, you can NOT begin to receive or walk in to the fullness of your NEW season or destiny without forgiving or beginning the process of forgiveness.

You are being held hostage, in bondage, by those things and it grieves the Holy Spirit, because He was sent to be your Comforter and you have Him at arm’s length, not allowing Him to rest, rule and abide in you.

I see Jesus standing in front of you, with His arms stretched out wide, wanting to comfort you, love on you and wanting you to lay it all down at His Feet, so He can bless you with the peace and comfort you need right now to go on another minute, another hour and another day.

I implore each of you to allow the process to begin, to allow Him to heal your heart, so that you can forgive others, as He forgives you!!! Stop giving those who have knowingly and unknowingly wounded you the ‘power’ they ought not have and begin the healing process you deserve, so you can move on!!!

I pray each one of you be blessed by the words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, in this publication.

I pray this publication blesses each of you the way it has blessed me!!!

Simply Blessed,


Hazel Williams


EMAIL: [email protected]

TWITTER: @haze4dayz

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