Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 45

Sh'eriyth Radio (pronounced sheh-ay-reeth')

Sh'eriyth (Remnant) Radio, will be interviewing those that are serving the Lord in their Ministries and Kingdom building. We will also discuss and resolve issues that plague the Body of Christ that hinders them from doing the will of God.

Listen to Sh'eriyth Radio show and learn the meaning of True Forgiveness and the ability of Shaking Off the Dust.

"True Forgiveness" Find out what it means to forgive the way God meant for us to forgive others. This is an explosive topic that is sure to bring deliverance to those who dare to listen!!!.

"Shaking Off the DustT" Luke 9:5 tells us, "And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them." Join us as we discuss what to do when it is time to shake the dust off your feet and keep it moving in ministry.