Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 27

and EXPECT that was we are called to resemble the God we serve, that the testimony that will result is, “. . . and there

was.” The second manifestation of prayer is to sit as judge. We can pray and sit in the place of judge and declare a purging and cleansing to our society’s moral downfall. We can speak to international situations and influence governments. We can speak to the corporate world and finances and declare a rising up of ethical business practices. We can call situations into the court of prayer and judge righteously. We can pray for the release of iniquity from our family lineage and command our generations to line up to the will of our divine Father. We can stand in intercession against murder and violence and gangs and even petty shoplifting that causes our economy billions of dollars in loss each year. We can call for a restoration of purity to our unmarried men and women. We can pray for restoration of marriages. The potential is endless, because we can put on the whole armor and have purpose in why we put it on. We can be dressed up and have LOTS of places to go!

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