Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 22

Dear God,

I thank You for blessing me with another day on this earth. I thank You for my family whom I love dearly. Father I'm trying my hardest to be a better me a better me that You put me on this earth to be. I'm trying to forgive just as You have forgiven me. Lord I'm coming to You today and lay out my heart to You. I need to forgive and ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed. There is no excuse for what I have done or said. I want to be a better person, a better mom, sister, daughter, fiancé and friend. I hurt because I've done wrong, I hurt because I've hurt others, I hurt because I say things I shouldn't, I get jealous, I cuss and I hold grudges . I've been hurt mentally. I lash out, thinking it will help me feel better. But it doesn't, it makes me hurt worse. I don't want to go another day letting what others say affect me. I want to live for You I want to let go of everything and let You handle it. I'm so far from perfect, sometimes I think how in the world could You love someone like me and forgive me. But I keep faith and know that You do. I know this road will have many tests and trials, but I got to learn to not let things bother me. I forgive those who have hurt me. I'm moving on from them in my life. I pray those who I have hurt. forgive me. I pray God You guide me. I'm fully Yours. Please remove anything that is not in good interest to me. I’ve got to let go of all the hurt. I want the best for my family. I want my family to have Christian lifestyle. Please remove everything that's hurtful in me. I thank You for listening Lord amen

Dear God,

Please forgive my all sins. Also, forgive me for ignoring You….a lots of thanks to You for supporting me till now. God, please show me the right direction, I am feeling alone and not getting the way to proceed in the path of my future. I don’t know what to do. I'm feeling frustration in my life…please God help me…be with me always….please God forgive me for my all bad activities and help me to succeed in my life.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for letting me live to see another day. For proving that You hear all that I pray. Thank You for easing my troubled heart. I'm trying to do my part. I seek Your guidance above all. You catch me whenever I fall. I know that I've never been a perfect man. I know that I've been led by Your hand. Protected from the evil in this world. Gave me the gift of two wonderful girls. An understanding mother that I owe so much. For her kindness is more than enough. Thank You, Lord, for my sister and brother as well. I love them all but then I never tell. Thank You, Jesus, for everything!


Dear God:

I cannot see Your Mercy due to not having a break from my problems for many years. What I want is so little compared to Your power. Please let me feel I deserve some kindness. Please, kindly give me peace, a stable life and some opportunities. Please show Your mercy vividly. I do wish to firmly trust in You, but it is so hard because I cannot feel Your love, cannot even get started to take You into my heart, though I did try. You said to love people and I did, but what I got is the opposite, I’ve started to think negatively and don’t want to help people anymore. Which I don’t want myself to act like this; I wish to spread out love as much as I can. Please help me to believe again that life is beautiful and people are kind.

Your child