Running On... JULY/AUGUST 2014 | Page 10

Prayer Corner

Heavenly Father,

We come to You today, thanking You for all You’ve done, are doing and will be doing in our lives. We thank You for every blessing, for Your mercy and grace, You shower upon us each day. We thank You for keeping us, for being there for us, for leading and guiding us, for healing our minds, hearts, bodies and souls, for picking us up when we falter and fall. We just thank You for who You are!!!

We thank You for being Our Friend, our Redeemer, the Protector of our souls, the One who wipes the tears from our eyes, the One who Comforts us. The One who shields and protects us from all hurt, hard and danger. We thank You Lord, for being our everything!!!

Lord, we come boldly before the Throne of Grace, as humbly as we know how, asking that You forgive us from the thoughts, words and deeds that have not been glorifying to Your Name. We ask that you forgive us and teach us how to live the way You desire us to.

Teach us how to forgive.

Lord, sometimes it’s hard to come to You when we have done wrong, not wanting You to see our shame, our conviction and oftentimes, we don’t feel bad after doing what we know is not glorifying to Your Name. And, for that, we ask You to forgive us. Convict us on those things we know we ought not be doing, so that we may confess and come to repent from those things. Open our eyes, so that we may see the sin that is coming our way, so we may turn from it and not commit them.

Teach us how to forgive ourselves. Sometimes, it’s hard to accept that You have forgiven us because of the feelings we are holding on to, the disappointment in letting You down, the shame (there’s that word again). But, we ask that You teach us, as You heal us, so that we may be whole and complete in You. Close our ears to the lies satan may whisper, that are designed to keep us from coming to You and wallowing, until we have no desire to seek You.

Teach us how to forgive others, the way You have forgiven us. It can be so hard to forgive others, especially those that commit malicious acts or constantly use harmful words to tear us down. Lord, we know what Your Word says and no longer want to hold on to those feelings and thoughts, out of anger, hatred, sadness, disappointment and etc., so we ask that You heal our hearts, as You teach us these things.

Teach us to forgive. Teach us to let go of those things that has us bound. Teach us how, Lord, so that we may be free. Free to love, free to move on and free to live.

Lord, we thank You for this process. We thank You for loosing us from every stronghold, obstacle, thoughts, feelings and anything else that will keep us from doing Your will or drawing us closer to You.

These blessings we ask in Your Son, Jesus’ Name. Amen.