Running On... AUG/SEP 2017 | Page 26

will love you and realize things you did not know about yourself. It is a good feeling to be able to be you according to God and not what others want you to be.

Make a commitment with yourself today to start loving and learning you. Look in the mirror and tell yourself daily, “Girl, I just love me some you.” Your life will be so much better, and it will be better for those around you too.

II Corinthians 3:17 states “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom,” so go after your freedom.

God wants you to know that you have to sometimes go through the wilderness in order to see the greatness He has for you. Don’t let your yesteryears stop you from being restored into what God, not man but God, has promised you.

In the book of Ruth, her mother in law, Naomi’s named changed. Your name may even change. When her husband and sons passed away, she was in a foreign land. After a while she decided to go back home. However when she did, she wanted to be called Mara, as she didn’t feel like a Naomi anymore.

Naomi means pleasant, and Mara means bitter. She was a bitter woman, because she thought God did not love her. That was not the truth. When she went back to her homeland, her restoration began.

Once you come back to who you were

originally supposed to be, you will have your name back. Once I released myself from that relationship, people finally began to know who I was, for everyone had only known me as his wife, not as Clara.

Being you, according to God is a wonderful feeling. The weight was lifted from my shoulders, and I was able to truly live. It took me forty years, but I thank God I am able to live. I have my voice, and I have my wings now. The world is mind as I do the work of my Father.

What am I doing now?

I’m living life

to the fullest loving like I never loved before. And I am laughing as if it is my last breath and enjoying being the woman my Father wants me to be.

I leave you with what I encourage people with daily;

Live Laugh Love with no REGRETS so that when you are old in your rocking chair you can at least say I may not have completed that but I experience that and in the midst of it all always be the Authentic YOU.

I enjoy being the Authentic Me as I lived behind several masks for 2 decades.....I'm free to be me, according to God, will you join me in setting yourself free to live a happy peaceful life according to God and not man.

As I continue to walk in PURPOSE I will always speak out an let each woman know that I'm a Voice for the VOICELESS and that I'm here to help her find hers as God wants her to live and not die.