Run Summer 2022 | Page 31

group winner , the start was very different to what I ’ m used to . No ‘ Chariots of Fire ’. No dropping of beats . No MC chanting encouragement . Just you and your thoughts – dangerous . Then it was go time and fellow journey men / women turning to each other with a nod and a fist pump of good luck . The pace is all chatty and smiley to start , but within a kilometre or two it ’ s down to business . Silent and in single file . Headlamps providing your vision . Getting the hips loosened and feet warmed up for a long day of dancing . Fast feet , small strides , long strides , high knees and bum kicks . The race this year had the best possible racing conditions , not too hot and the misty peaks limited your vision of what you were taking on . Yes , it was wet and windy , but your essential kit provided you with the protection required .
For me , it fell apart at Llandudno . After the perfectly timed aid station , we hit the beach ( think Baywatch ) and just as we ran out of beach , shirt stripping for Sandy Bay , a left turn unravelled my sense of humour . This was where patience and persistence had to prevail . I buckled , hiking like Louis Rudd pulling his pulk . The peak was hidden by the cloud cover , only exposing the challenges , bits of rock climbs and chain ladders , as I continued forward . I was shattered but relieved at the top . A few deep breaths and then descent time – what felt like Tarzan through a forest section and into sharp rocks , reminding my callused feet what pain really is . An event like UTCT delivers exceptional highs and extreme lows .


You just keep going , one foot in front of the other , in continuous repeats , and you try to tame the vile thoughts your mind dishes out .
At 73kg , I ’ m in the heavyweight division for ultra trails . Refuelling is critical . 10 litres of water , six cups of coke , four protein bars , 10 baby potatoes with extra salt , four bacon and peanut butter sandwiches and four Bovril sandwiches was just the beginning . Your seconders play a crucial role , even with great aid stations . Variety is imperative as you never quite know what you ’ ll feel like as the day progresses . Watermelon and oranges were a godsend . My old man was remarkable and provided me with not only wisdom but the friendly face and calm demeanour that was required in the darkness .
Seconding for an event like this cannot be underestimated . The race does offer a seconding service that assists with getting seconders , something I would investigate in the future . The aid stations are loaded
Prodigal Khumalo ( below ) set the previous 100km course record of 09:51:00 in 2017 . Lijan van Niekerk ( left ) was 8th overall and 2nd woman in the 21km race .