elcome to RUN mag ! We applaud your fine taste in reading material and are truly grateful for your purchase . We spent four months creating this for you .
Yep , there ’ s no putting it back on the shelf now . If this large-format , coffee table running readathon doesn ’ t reignite your passion for the sport , then we give up – grab a golf cart and head to the pie stop !
We were born to run . Being adventurous is part of our DNA , and our feet can take us where no wheels can . Running is the simplest , most efficient way to stay fit and happy . Wherever you are in the world , you can head outside for a fat-burning endorphin fix .
And yes , that includes you , the workaholic who does a parkrun at the weekend , you too , the blissfullynon-competitive-sometimesjogger , and , of course , you , the sleep-deprived ultra-distance junkie . It ’ s neither about distance nor speed ; it ’ s about you , and how , after dragging your protesting body outside , running makes you feel . From those who love it to those who fear it , you ’ re all equally welcome in our world . RUN mag is where we hope you ’ ll return in your downtime , to feed your passion , uninterrupted by the deafening noise of the relentless , spinning hamster-wheel of modern life .
For those who keep race medals , we hope our storytelling and rich imagery will inspire you to explore new places . If you ’ re a newbie or nursing a post-lockdown hankering to get fit , our advice will give you the tools to take the first step in your journey to a fitter , happier you . Track , trail or tar , the feeling remains the same . Blood coursing through your veins , negative thoughts banished , and all deadlines and to-do lists on hold while you feel your breath fill you up and fuel your body to relax its stresstightened limbs and taut tendons and flow , wherever your mood takes you .
The lockdown affected us all . We had our wings cut , were told we could not leave our homes . Suddenly , once-boring streets beckoned like forbidden fruit . We needed to move , breathe , be free . Whether like Bennie Roux ( page 130 ), you ran the Comrades around your garden , or you simply climbed your stairs a few times a week , we all realised how much we had taken our , often mundane , daily jog for granted . Sadly , some never made it through the pandemic ,
jolting us to recognise that we only live once and that we cannot take a single day for granted . In tough times , we survived with so much less , we gave selflessly to those who needed what we realised we didn ’ t , and we shifted from wanting to own more to wanting to live .
In 1995 , I joined the first global edition of Runner ’ s World magazine . Sanctioned South Africa had just been welcomed back into the global sporting arena and anti- Apartheid activists like Bruce Fordyce ran alongside our emerging global stars like Willie Mtolo . Zola Budd shone a global light on the insane local talent that began to pour
“ Track , trail or tar , the feeling remains the same . Blood coursing through your veins , negative thoughts banished , and all deadlines and to-do lists on hold ”
into the athletic spotlight . Races boomed , the humble street worker running shoulderto-shoulder with wealthy execs stripped of fancy cars , ties and titles . The sport levelled and connected South Africans like no other , helping to rebuild our painfully distanced people . I learned so much from the great minds and athletic legends of the sport and was extremely fortunate to run the likes of the New York , Stockholm , London and Mauritius marathons . But at global conferences , I instead found myself describing the unique running culture in our sunshine-blessed country , which has more races on the annual calendar than the number of days in a year . From street miles to the Comrades , each evoked a distinct joy , a sense of time and place ; and still , 25 years later , I experience the same rush of purpose and pleasure running with my dogs by the river . Running never gets old , although we sometimes lose sight of why we run , so I hope this mag helps keep your purpose in check .
As you ’ ll see on page 98 , a time-saving 10km training plan can keep you fit , lean and fast . With hundreds of places and races to run and explore , we remind ourselves that we have nothing to prove by running further than is pleasurable , and that consistency is more valuable than any potential injury inducing external goal . As I was reminded during the lockdown , running form is the essence of enjoyment and injury prevention . Read about the simple way to unlock stress-free performance on page 56 . Speaking of stress , we know SA has become a tough place to run alone safely , so you ’ ll find useful safety advice , including where you can find a group , on page 82 .
While the simplicity of running remains as it was in Roman times , one thing that has , thankfully , evolved is running shoes , especially over the past two years . We review the most popular shoes to emerge in 2020 , the tech gadgets we can ’ t run without , and instant motivation you can buy .
Apart from the coolest places and faces in our sport locally and abroad , we delve into nutrition and the stars who ’ ll line up in Tokyo for the postponed 2020 Summer Olympics . All the thanks and praise goes to my dedicated team of staff and contributors who made this mag real during the toughest year for print media in history . We hope we have delivered a publication that you ’ re proud to leave beside your bed , loo or on your coffee table . A mag you ’ ll take to the beach during the holidays before you return to 2021 with a renewed vigour , knowing that only you can decide to be fit and happy , by simply controlling the things you can . Safe training and travels . Run : it ’ s for your life .
Please send us your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve your reading experience : runmag @ electricink . co . za Follow us now ! @ runmagsa