Martin is a globally renowned action photographer . The Swiss shooter works with the who ’ s who of mountain athletes all over the world , which has seen him take many trips to South Africa where he feels very at home . He was invited to shoot a race tracing the ruins of the Great Wall
( page 60 ), far removed from the tourist mecca .
LAWRENCE VAN LINGEN This sports chiropractor and founder of Innerunner is a guru of the holistic approach to movement . The former elite triathlete ‘ Lorenzomojo ’ lives in Southern California . Catch him on his YouTube Channel for insights on mobility and postural correction . |
MANFRED SEIDLER The sports broadcaster is a walking , talking harddrive packed with Olympic facts and stats . His career highlights include commentating live on Usain Bolt ’ s 100m and Wayde van Niekerk ’ s 400m world records respectively , and producing the athletics show World of Endurance , travelling the world telling athletes ’ stories . See his favourites to medal at the 2021 Summer Olympics on page 47 . |
If you are not having your period , there are health and performance consequences , warns the sports exercise medicine physician on the dangers of relative energy deficiency in sport ( page 120 ). Dr Zondi is the former president of the South African Sports Medicine Association , and is passionate about using sport as a tool for social development and transformation .
Our hand-picked selection of the award-winning sports photographer ’ s inspiring images is sure to fire up your pre- Olympics stoke . Roger has also shot the most newsworthy and unimaginable atrocities to occur in Cape Town and presents inspirational talks on photography to high-school students in disadvantaged communities .
Now , here is a woman of many talents : 2018 Comrades winner , coowner of Team Ashworth running coaching with her husband David , and captain of the ladies-only elite running club Team Massmart – oh , and , by day , she is an advocate . A lesser-known fact is that Ann suffered from anorexia as a young athlete growing up in Zim . In this issue , her advice to women runners on staying healthy .
SEAN TAIT If you want to understand the mechanics of running , there is no better person to chew the fat with than this Cape Town-based running coach , who specialises in technique assessments , periodisation plans and training programmes . Sean contributes an 8-week plan to a faster 10-K and offers strength-training advice . |
Over the three decades he has spent as an adventure journalist , guide-book author and awardwinning photographer , Jacques Marais has explored the wildest corners of the African continent : trekking Madagascar ’ s Spiny desert , kayaking Lake Kivu on the edge of the DRC and fat-biking from Angola across the Skeleton Coast . Check out his photos of Zane Schmahl running the ‘ Knife Edge ’ along the Mariepskop cliffs ( page 105 ) and the Otter champ Toni McCann ( page 74 ).