run a way dec.2012 | Page 16

Peaceful Moments in Jeollado

Being eager to escape from the burning sun, exhausted by a part-time job and a bunch of work, my family and I started to make a plan to escape the city. The escaping plan was perfect. The destination was Joellado because there are clean beaches, temples with fresh air and the most flavorful foods in Korea. With full expectation, we packed, and we left seeing hopeful sunrise from car windows.

The first destination was the MaYi hill and the Tower Temple. The MaYi hill is small, but it has its unique. The name of MaYi hill is from its shape. ‘MaYi’ means a horse’s ears in Chinese character, and the hill’s shape is like that of a horse. The more interesting is a temple, which is in the MaYi hill. There are many stone towers, made with from large stones to tiny stones. They were made by the balance of yin and yang, and they were made by only one person without any bonds. Also, it took only 30 years to make those stone towers.

The stone towers are lying narrowly for 100 years from its birth. The towers are conical. At the bottom, large, heavy stones help to stand firmly, and top of the towers are composed by tiny stones. It is seen friendly that big stones and tiny stones live together hanging their hands. I wonder that’s why they are completely strong wind resistant. They are still remaining in one of the mystery of Korea. Originally, there were about 120 stone towers; however, many people went there, and some of people touched and pushed some towers because of curiosity, there are only over 80 towers alive.