6. A quizzer will be ineligible to jump when the quizzer has answered three
questions correctly or committed three fouls or three errors.
III. Two-Team 20-Question Quiz
A. There will be 20 questions in a quiz. Each question will be read once.
B. All questions have a value of 20 points when two teams are eligible.
C. If a question is missed, a bonus question will be read for the corresponding chair on
the other team.
1. The bonus question will be the next numbered question, except for questions 16
and following.
2. All bonus questions throughout the whole quiz are 10 points.
D. Both teams must be eligible to jump on questions 17 to 20.
E. A quizzer will be ineligible to jump when the quizzer has answered four questions
correctly or committed three fouls or three errors.
F. In the event the quiz ends in a tie, additional units of three overtime questions each
will be used until the tie is broken.
The C&MA Internationals Bible Quizzing Executive Team
Revised 2013