Rug'Society - March 2018 Issue 1 | Page 7


Revamp your house for Spring!

Spring is upon us! The flowers blossom, the birds sing and the sun shines again. Full of fresh starts, it’s the perfect season to revamp your home decoration! With this in mind, Rug’Society took advantage of the bold colors, nature inspirations and all the Spring elements to create unique pieces that brighten up your home and dress up your floor for the ocasion.

Wether it be your room, your living room or your kitchen, get inspired by Rug’Society’s designs and take the Spring cleaning to another level with a brand new decoration!

Filled with bright colors and uniquely shaped flowers, Gaudi (on the left) draws inspiration from Antoni Gaudi’s abstract art pieces. Amaze your guests, lighten up your living room and take a quick Spring vacation to Barcelona… without living your house!