Rugby Club ISSUE 85 | Page 56

Preston Lodge FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/RUGBYCLUBMAG Preston Lodge RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Preston Lodge RFC is a fine example of a well-run, superbly administered community establishment. Rugby Club Magazine recently caught up with Club Representative Debbie Hare to find out more about the good work they’ve been doing lately. RC: How long have you been involved and what first attracted you to the club? DH: Through my father, I have had a connection to Preston Lodge RFC all my life. Whilst my career took me away from the local area for long periods of time, I retained an interest in rugby and my home club. When my current role was advertised three years ago, I was relocating home having carried out a similar role with a club overseas. The timing and challenge appealed to me. “Rollo Developments decided to sponsor Preston Lodge RFC to support the great work they do within the local community and commercially it also made sense. Everyone at Rollo would like to wish the club continued success.” 56 Issue 85 RC: What are the most challenging and rewarding aspects of your role? DH: It’s very rewarding to see so many young players and their families engaging with the club. There is a great interaction between mini and youth