Rugby Club Issue 58 | Page 17

hartlepool rovers He told us, “The mood at the present time in the Club is vibrant. Not only have we put in two new bars, the stewardship has changed hands and the new stewardess has brought in a fantastic, friendly, hardworking attitude and has developed a warm, sociable atmosphere to spread throughout the Club. “The supplier for the beers, lagers, ciders and spirits has changed and we have a top quality man to oversee and check its quality. We proudly boast supplying arguably the best pint in the town. As a direct result of all this the Club is being used more and bookings for parties and other social events has gone through the roof. We are fully booked until Xmas. “Work to refurbish the Club started about 3 years ago when a few 60+ year old members decided to do something about the crumbling, once famous old club. Gradually others came on board and lads who had done jobs previously to keep the Club afloat carried on in their own inimitable style. “Changing rooms were redecorated first and the rest of the Club followed on to include painting and repairing the changing room corridor, referees’ room, medical room, entrance hall, main club corridor, ladies’ and gents’ toilets and kitchen. The main bar was laminated and a new carpet laid with a new dance area and all walls and ceilings painted throughout. “A set of double glazed front doors and entrance doors were fitted. Decaying electrics and lighting fixed. Boiler bought and plumbing improved. A memorabilia room in the through lounge was created depicting the history of the Club. “Outside, the rugby posts were painted and the posts enclosing the playing area whitened, the roadside stand and dug outs were painted, a new admission kiosk made and painted, spectator walls were painted white, grass cutting and weeding tackled, advertising boards made, repaired and erected. The list goes on. “The importance of the few volunteers we have is obviously vital if you judge the amount of work that has already been done by 17