Rugby Club Issue 52 | Page 100

Nailsea and Backwell FOLLOW US ONLINE TWITTER.COM/RUGBYCLUBMAG This has enabled those boys who are old enough to make their debut for the senior squads if availability allows, and is so far proving to be successful as many of the boys aspire to play alongside the Seniors allowing a smooth transition into the Senior game. This season the U18/17 are planning a tour to South Africa, which is an exciting opportunity for the squad, and the club is looking to local businesses to sponsor caps, training tops, and kit in an attempt to raise funds to make the tour affordable for all. Looking ahead, the Club is planning to extend the facilities of the Clubhouse to cater for the increase in numbers of the Mini/Midi and Junior squads, as well as 100 Issue 52 offering its facilities to other users within the Community. The Clubhouse is already home to Nailsea Running Club, MG Owners Club and Boxing Club who often use the Gym area. Nailsea and Backwell also hold events such as the annual Beer Festival, Firework display, Pink Ladies Day and Football Tournaments during the summer, Skittle teams use the clubhouse all year round. These events are always well supported by members of the local community and local charities, such as ‘Bosom Buddies’ and ‘Marie Curie’ benefit from the donations made by Na [