Rubberneck Issue 9 (April 2014) | Page 34

can manage to make it work. It’s a great way to show that you don’t take yourself too seriously, while still maintaining a cool detachment from the larger cultural field that tells other people that they should still continue taking you very seriously. PATRICK MCWILLIAMS Given the dizzying speed of today’s fast-paced music business, trying to curate one’s tastes to accurately project the appearance of a hip and informed individual is a full time job. Thankfully, Rubberneck’s “Good or Bad” is here to help you navigate through the minefield of contemporary cultural ephemera and reach the demilitarized zone of cool. Remember kids, in a dying empire with ever decreasing political options, defining yourself in terms of consumer choices is one of the last avenues of expression left! Radical! So without further ado, here’s our guide to the latest trends shaping our world. Jorts: Along with the blooming of flowers and the return of seasonal birds, the annual shearing of jeans signals to all the true start of springtime. Those frayed threads of denim haphazardly hanging from an incompetently hacked pant leg express the possibilities of the season, and bring smiles to the faces of all who see them. People all over the world stand in admiration when they see a bejorted individual walk by, thinking “Now there goes one cool and breezy motherfucker.” Good or Bad? Good. Some things in this world will just never go out of style because they express eternal truths and connect us all to our shared humanity. Jorts just may be one of the few truly pure things we have left in this world. At first, it may seem counterintuitive to differentiate yourself from the crowd by mimicking its tastes, except overlaid with a mustache of irony. Yet that hair-thin veneer makes all the difference in the world. The contradiction makes you appear as a complex and multifaceted individual (and individuality is totally “in” right now), who can’t be neatly penned in like the rest of those sheeple. Rather, you’re a bold trendsetter, who, like an ICBM or hedge fund manager’s bank account, cavalierly crosses borders without regard for what anything might “mean.” Remember, it’s not superficial if there really is nothing at all genuine left beneath it. Good or Bad? Good, but with the caveat that you always take care to ensure that your appreciation doesn’t read as sincere which could have the disastrous consequence of people mistaking you for a norm of square. Protip: wink knowingly whenever you put on pop music, and then commence making an incredulous face whic