RU ILSU 2020 21ILSU_eBrochure_RU | Page 12

WF4 Elementary Vocab & Idioms B ( Spin New ): Beginner
ILS Elementary 3A * ( Gen-En ): Elementary 3
WF4 Elementary Vocab & Idioms B ( Spin New ): Beginner 1
ILS Elementary 3A * ( Gen-En ): Elementary 3
WF4 Elementary Vocab & Idioms B ( Spin New ): Beginner 1
B +
International Language Campuses EF Education First Strandvagen 13B , Box 5761 114 87 Stockholm Tel : 08 58 79 30 30 www . ef . com / goabroad
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
100 %
89 %
100 %
91 %
Very Good
Very Good

Подтверждение вашего успеха

Вы вернетесь домой с достойным академическим портфолио , подтверждающим ваш уровень языка . Вы получите сертификат EF SET , результат финального теста EF и сертификат об успешном окончании курса EF . Дополните своё резюме , подтвердив свои знания и добавив результаты официального экзамена по иностранному языку .
Certificate of Achievement
Course Certificate
Language Assessment
Course Report
EF Standard English Test
EF International Language Campuses
EF International Language Campuses
EF International Language Campuses
Boston : 05 May 2017 to 15 May 2017
This certificate declares that
Karin Svensson has successfully achieved
EFSET Level / Council of Europe Level
EF International Language Campuses hereby certify that
Jeppe Landler
has successfully completed a language course and reached a level of B1 at
EF New York
From April 30 , 2017 to June 3 , 2017
Adeline Pralong
Studied at EF New York and reached C2
Understanding and Listening : The student can understand extended speech , even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly . They can also understand television programs and films without too much effort .
Reading The student can understand long and complex factual and literary texts , appreciating distinctions of style . They can also understand specialized articles and longer technical instructions , even when they do not relate to a known field .
Spoken Interaction : The student can speak fluently and spontaneously without much searching for expressions . They can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purpose and can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate contributions skilfully to those of other speakers .
Boston : 21 Apr 2017 to 02 May 2017
Boston : 07 Apr 2017 to 18 May 2017
June 3 , 2019
Place & Date
Dr . Christopher McCormick
Head of Academic Affairs
Academic Director
June 3 , 2019
Place and Date
Academic Director
June 3 , 2019
Place and Date
EF Certificate of Achievement
EF SET ( EF Standard English Test ) характеризует ваш уровень владения английским языком в соответствии с международными стандартами Общеевропейской шкалы языковых компетенций ( в англоязычных школах ). Результаты теста EF SET также определяют степень подготовки к экзаменам IELTS и TOEFL .
EF Course Certificate
Сертификат об успешном окончании курса EF .
EF Language Assessment
Детальный отчет по всем аспектам владения иностранным языком .
Course Report
Перечень всех пройденных вами предметов и отчет о полученных результатах .
University Transfer Credit
EF International Language Campuses
Certificate of Internship
EF International Language Campuses
Awards this certificate to
Andrea Di Caccamo
in recognition of successful completion of an EF language course , which is certified by the University of Montana .
Julia Ivanova
has successfully completed the EF course requirements at
EF New York
The curriculum combined business studies with on-site training at
Advertising Associates International
From April 30 , 2017 to June 3 , 2017
Academic Director
June 3 , 2019
Place and Date
Academic Director
June 3 , 2019
Place and Date
U . S University Transfer Credit
Сертификат об академических успехах для неанглоязычных вузовпартнеров .
EF Certificate of Internship
Сертификат , подтверждающий прохождение стажировки .
Official Language Exam Scores
Сертификат организации , проводящей независимое тестирование , подтверждающий уровень владения иностранным языком .