RTL Reliable Transportation Common Warehousing and Distribution Issues | Page 6

Inventory Inaccuracies Gone are the days when all you needed to keep records of your inventory was a piece of paper and a pen. The shipping process has become so complicated these days that it’s necessary to switch from manual inventory management to digital solutions. However, without the right inventory management system, it’s hard to monitor what is shipped, where the specific orders for the customers are, and what items are out of stock. So, there are bound to be inaccuracies in your inventory. So often, inventory inaccuracy occurs due to the lack of an ideal automated system. Outsourcing expert allows you to access the right inventory management system that automates your operations. The system helps you to monitor all the stages of your warehousing business. Some of the key areas that the management system focuses on are:  Order management  Product tracking  Digital product identification  Shipping management