different types of visas
One of the most important duties you have while in Thailand is keeping your immigration paperwork up-to-date
and organized. This is extremely important because if you are caught with outdated documents penalties can
be harsh.
1. single entry visa
When you were issued a Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa allowing you to stay legally in Thailand for a
maximum of one year, you were issued a Single Entry Visa. A Single Entry Visa is a type of visa that allows
people to enter Thailand for the purpose of study for a single time.
2. re-entry visa (single entry)
If you plan to leave Thailand once during the one year with the Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa, for
example to go to Cambodia, you must apply for a Re-Entry Visa (Single Entry) (Application for Re-Entry Permit
into the Kingdom) to be able to return back legally to Thailand.
It is important to note that although you are allowed to return legally for a single time to Thailand with this visa,
you can only do so within the one year Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa that you have or before it expires.
3. re-entry visa (multiple entry)
3. Re-Entry Visa (Multiple Entry)
If you plan to leave Thailand more than once during the one year Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa, you
should apply for a Re-entry Visa (Multiple Entry) (Application for Re-Entry Permit into the Kingdom).
Re-entry Visa (Multiple Entry) is a type of visa that allows people to enter Thailand for the purpose of study for
multiple times.
It is important to note that although you are allowed to return legally as many times to Thailand with this visa,
you can only do so within the one year Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa that you have or before it expires.
4. 90-day residence visa
In addition to the Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa that allows you to stay legally in Thailand for one year,
you are also required to submit a 90-Day Residence Visa (Form for Alien to Notify of Staying Longer Than 90
Days) to the Immigration Office every 90 days from the date of your last arrival in Thailand.
For example, the date of your last arrival in Thailand was on January 5, 2013, then you will need to submit a
90-Day Residence Visa to the nearest Immigration Office before the 90 days expires (in this case, before April
4, 2013).
Whether you renew the Non-Immigrant ED (Education) Visa every year on time and also have a Re-entry Visa
(Single or Multiple) that allows you to legally return back to Thailand, you will always be required to submit a
90-Day Residence Visa before the 90 days expire from your last date of arrival in Thailand. Failure to do so will
incur fines.
international student service (iss)
Note: If you do not fully understand any of the information mentioned above or you need further guidance,
please feel free to contact the International Student Service Center (ISS) for assistance. The ISS will assist you
with all visa matters and renewals.
Library Building 7, Tel.: +66 2- 997-2222 ext. 3484
E-mail: Ms. Jansawang Ninjan (Tide) [email protected]