RSU International Programs Beta v 2.4 | Page 25

bilingual education Master of Education (M.Ed.) duration: 2 years course fees in baht: Total 200,000 Baht or, 100,000 Baht per annum. english language requirements: IELTS 5.5 or equivalent. semester of commencement: June (1st Semester), November (2nd Semester) total number of credits: 36 credits pre-requisites: GPA on the final two years of bachelor degree must be 2.5 or higher. International students also need a Thai proficiency equivalent to level 6 (primary school) to study this program. Applicants who do not possess an undergraduate degree in Education are also required to complete a foundation course in Education plus a teaching internship. course description/purpose The Bilingual Education program prepares teachers and supervisors to be specialists in the teaching of languages and in managing schools in which the lan­ uage of instructig ons are the pupil’s mother language plus one or more other languages. employment outcomes There continues to be a huge demand for graduates in all areas of management and employment prospects are excellent in Multinational Corporations, Government and Private Sectors, and as Entrepreneurs. 25