RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 49

computer engineering course structure 3/3 b. professional elective courses (9 credits) artificial intelligence and expert system CPE 463 Design of Computer Simulation System CPE 470 Introduction to AI and Expert System CPE 471 Intelligence System CPE 472 Pattern Recognition CPE 474 Introduction to Robotics CPE 475 Vision Processing CPE 476 Artificial Neural Network CPE 477 Digital Signal Processing and Programming CPE 478 Digital Image Processing and Compression CPE 487 Advanced Topics in AI and Expert Systems software engineering CPE 438 CPE 442 CPE 446 CPE 447 CPE 464 CPE 465 CPE 466 CPE 488 Distributed System Programming Fundamental to Software Engineering Mini/Micro Computer Software Design Real-time Operating Systems Computer Software Design Real-time Computing and Programming UNIX System Programming Advanced Topics in Software Engineering 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 others CPE 499 CPE 496 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering CooperativeEducation for Computer Engineering 3 6 Note: Students under the Cooperative Education Plan must enroll EEN496 and one additional professional elective course. c. free elective courses (6 credits) 49