RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 45

civil engineering course structure 2/2 iii. professional courses (59 credits) b. professional elective courses a. professional compulsory courses (53 credits) computer hardware design CEN 261 CEN 284 CEN 285 CEN 320 CEN 321 CEN 331 CEN 332 CEN 343 CEN 344 CEN 362 CEN 370 CEN 371 CEN 372 CEN 412 CEN 433 CEN 444 CEN 473 CEN 476 CEN 481 CEN 490 CEN 491 CEN 492 GEN 494 CEN 495 Civil Engineering Materials and Testing Surveying Field Practice Route Surveying Structural Analysis I Structural Analysis II Reinforced Concrete Design Computer-Aided Engineering and Design Hydraulics Laboratory Hydrology Concrete Technology Engineering Geology Soil Mechanics Soil Mechanics Laboratory Construction Engineering and Management Steel and Timber Design Hydraulic Engineering Foundation Engineering Highway Engineering Laboratory Highway Engineering Civil Engineering Training Civil Engineering Project I Civil Engineering Project II Preparation for Cooperative Education Cooperative Education (6 credits) 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 CEN 401 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 3 CEN 402 Numerical Methods 3 CEN 410 Contracts, Specifications and Cost Estimation 3 CEN 413 Engineering Project Management 3 CEN 432 Prestressed Concrete Design 3 CEN 435 Structural Building Design 3 CEN 436 Bridge Design 3 CEN 437 Design of Small Building 3 CEN 438 Introduction to Finite Element 3 CEN 439 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 3 CEN 446 Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering 3 CEN 447 Coastal and Harbor Engineering 3 3 CEN 448 Open Channel Flow 3 3 CEN 451 Flood and Drought Engineering 3 3 CEN 452 Tsunami Engineering 3 3 CEN 453 Storm and Storm Surge Engineering 3 1 CEN 461 Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering 3 3 CEN 474 Landslides, Mudslides and Debris Flows 3 1 CEN 475 Soil Improvement Techniques 3 1 CEN 480 Transportation Engineering 3 2 CEN 482 Construction Surveying 3 1 CEN 484 Photogrammetry 3 3 CEN 485 Pavement Engineering 3 CEN 486 Airport Design 3 Note: Students under the Cooperative Education Plan must CEN 487 Fundamental of Geographic enroll CEN495 and GEN494 as substitution of CEN490, CEN491 Information System 3 and CEN492. CEN 488 Traffic Engineering 3 CEN 489 Geometric Design of Highway 3 CEN 499 Special Topics in Civil Engineering 3 CEN 496 Cooperative Education for Civil Engineering 6 Note: Students under the Cooperative Education Plan must enroll CEN496 and one additional professional elective course. c. free elective courses 45 (6 credits)