RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 38

international relations and development course structure 1/2 credit requirements a. general education courses 135 credits (30 credits) (3 credits) (9 credits) (15 credits) (3 credits) I. Humanities and Social Sciences II. Sciences and Mathematics III. Languages IV. Interdisciplinary and Physical Education b. core courses i. professional foundation courses IEC 211 IEC 212 IEG 350 IPO 211 IPO 221 IPO 238 IRD 201 IRD 220 IRD 232 IRD 235 IRD 302 IRD 336 (99 credits) (36 credits) Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics English for Professional Development Introduction to Politics Public Policy Analysis International Politics Modern Management and Organization Behavior World History International Relations International Development Research Methodology Leadership, Negotiation, and Conflict Management 38 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ii. major courses • required major course IBM 301 IEC 351 ILA 431 IRD 322 IRD 343 IRD 345 IRD 365 IRD 375 IRD 380 IRD 395 IRD 410 IRD 450 IRD 493 IRD 496 (48 credits) (39 credits) International Business Management Economic Development International Trade Law Development and Human Rights International Political Economy ASEAN Integration International Public Policy: Food, Health, Energy and Environment Foreign Policy Analysis International Peace and Security International Organizations and Economic Integration Organization Development Current Issues in International Relations Internship in International Relations and Development Co-operative Education 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6