RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 33

international hospitality and tourism course structure 2/2 • elective major courses (6 credits) IHT 221 International Experience I IHT 325 Multimedia for Hospitality Business IHT 322 International Experience II IHT 352 Taxation and Duties in Tour Business IHT 360 Bar and Beverage Management IHT 387 Hotel and Tourism Information Systems IHT 418 Resort and Spa Management IHT 428 Thai Culinary Arts Theory and Practice IHT 429 International Culinary Arts Theory and Practice IHT 456 Charter Flight Brokerage Management IHT 457 Advertising and Sales Promotion in Hospitality Business ILC 113 Business Chinese ILJ 113 Business Japanese ILF 113 Business French ILS 113 Business Spanish ILG 113 Business German ILK 113 Business Korean ITA 113 Business Thai 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 iii. minor courses (15 credits) IHT 331 Special Event Operation Principles 3 IHT 332 Meeting, Convention, and Conference Organization 3 IHT 333 Exhibition and Tradeshow Organization 3 IHT 334 Venue Management for Events 3 IHT 335 Festival Planning and Organization 3 IHT 431 Event Marketing and Sponsorship 3 IHT 351 Foundations of Culinary Principles 3 IHT 352 Preparation and Baking of Cakes, Pies, and Yeast based Products 3 IHT 353 Occidental Culinary Arts 3 IHT 428 Thai Culinary Arts Theory and Practice 3 IHT 355 Arts of Baking and Decorating Pastries and Bakeries 3 IHT 451 Culinary Arts of the Thai Royal Courts 3 IHT 452 Gastronomic Trends and Contemporary Food Styling 3 IHT 361 Air Cargo Management 3 IHT 362 Airport Management 3 IHT 363 Airline Ticketing and Reservation 3 IHT 364 In-flight Passenger Service Management 3 IHT 365 Passenger Ground-service Handling and Management 3 IHT 461 In-flight Catering Management 3 IHT 310 Hotel Operations and Management 3 IHT 319 Consumer Behavior 3 IHT 328 Geography for Tourism Business 3 IHT 335 Food an