RSU International Programs Beta 2013 | Page 30

international business course structure 2/2 ii. major courses • required major course IBM 301 IBM 333 IBM 334 IBM 445 IBM 460 IBM 492 IFN 331 ILA 431 IMG 336 IMK 331 IPO 302 IBM 494 IBM 431 IBM 498 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (9 credits) International Accounting International Experience I International Experience II International Commerce: ASEAN E–Commerce for International Trade Computer Problem Solving in Business Money and Banking International Financial Markets and Institutions Calculus for Business and Economics Strategic Brand Management Strategic Customer Relationship Marketing Management Thai Culinary Arts Theory and Practice International Culinary Arts Theory and Practice iii. minor courses c. free elective courses 30 (39 credits) International Business Management International Trade International Business Logistics Cross Cultural Management Global Competitive Strategy Current Issues in International Business International Finance International Trade Law Leadership, Negotiation and Conflict Management International Marketing Research Methodology and Statistical Analysis Co-operative Education Export-Import Management Internship in International Business • elective major courses IAC 441 IBM 221 IBM 322 IBM 450 IBM 454 ICS 211 IFN 221 IFN 431 IMA 144 IMK 432 IMK 433 IMK 451 ITH 428 ITH 429 (48 credits) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (15 credits) (6 credits)