RSSM Digital NPAworldwide Edition March 2020 | Page 24

You don’t have to work with just one staffing firm. Tread carefully and make sure you don’t accept an assignment and then terminate it to work a different assignment with a different agency. But, do benefit from weighing two different assignments and accepting the one you want the most. And, using more than one staffing firm keeps you busier. Not all staffing firms can offer you consistent and uninterrupted work. They can only offer roles their clients call on them to fill. Having more than one agency gives you more options and offers. You’re allowed to work for who you want to work for, but be honest with your recruiters. There’s no reason to not tell them you are looking to work with the best. From both an employee and client’s perspective, a quality staffing firm has so much opportunity and value to offer. Make sure you se- lect the right one to be employed with or utilize to hire employees for your firm. Managing thousands of clients, applicants and employees is no small task. COATS Staffing Software has been achieving this mis- sion for 24 years. By listening and learning from our staffing agen- cy clients, we constantly upgrade the latest version of our software with new features that apply across the board to all users. COATS Staffing Software 1-800-888-5894 24 WWW.RSSM.BIZ | WWW.RSSM.BIZ