RSSM Digital First Interview Edition March 2020 | Page 6

ON TARGET Through Experience Frank Y. Johnson National Medical Recruiting Office 205-979-9840 Cell 205-824-8287 Thank you to those of you who reach out and let us know what is working, and what is working so well that you may wish you joined earlier. We cer- tainly appreciate Frank Johnson of National Medical Recruiting and all of our First Interview members! Frank wrote to us: “If you remember I was reluctant to join FI. The network I had left was more harmful than helpful & I was gun shy. I trusted few people in that net- work & had to sue to get out. The more I work with the people in FI the more pleased I am. I have had only 1 incident where I suspected anything out of line and you terminated that person soon after for some reason. Everyone else I have worked with I have come to trust explicitly. It was difficult to send candidates at first. I now have complete faith in all I work with and am confident that if I send a candidate and they are placed in the future I will get credit even if the op- portunity was never posted on FI. Thank you again for asking me to join.” 6 WWW.RSSM.BIZ | WWW.RSSM.BIZ