RSSM Digital First Interview Edition March 2020 | Page 18
IS KEY By staff writers
Time and time again we have discussed the importance of creating content to improve your
company image and SEO. You also are probably aware that all marketing experts preach that
content is king. But this is where the narrative seems to stop. What kind of content should
you be creating? Well we are here to pick up the baton and take you to the finish line!
First and foremost, the content you create should
always be on brand. People seem to focus more on
posting content rather than what it is actually about.
For example: if you run a collection agency, then
you need stick with topics relating to collections and
the kind of problems your clients may face. It would
be ridiculous to click onto a collections website
and read an article about Great Danes and it would
confuse users. The key is to post content that creates
the best user experience possible, be consistent, and
make your content easy to find.
useful and memorable or it’s not worth the effort. At
the end of the day, we are a collections firm and we
had to find a way to generate revenue and sell our
One of our most successful ventures has been our
magazine because it has put us in contact with many
important people. One of those is J. Abraham and if
you are not familiar with this marketing genius then
you should be. He was instrumental in getting us on
this path 20 years ago when he started preaching the
same message we share today: share content that is
congruent with our clients. We have to take a look
and see how our content affects them.
Let’s look at another example that we learned
from a marketing expert: a great way to think about
your SEO strategy is the internet is an all-you-can-
eat buffet and your company is the salad bar. You do
We are often questioned about our free webinars
not want to hide the dressing by the potatoes because that are similar to ones that other companies gen-
no one would be able to find it! Do not make the
erally charge for and why we give away that infor-
content hard to find!
mation for free. The answer is simple: we want to
support this industry and teach people how to do
Along with ease of access, you should also have
things better. That is our goal and we accomplish it
a message that is congruent and promotes your
by posting content that is relative to our company.
business. A lot of times advertisers will create cam-
For those of you who want to improve your SEO
paigns that are geared towards being flashy and
or company image through relevant and informative
award-worthy, but the message has no connection
content, but need some help getting started, feel free
to the company or its products. We try to avoid this
to contact Ally Cole at [email protected].
trap by looking at the numbers; we have seen our
website traffic grow 10 times due to practicing what
we preach. When we post content, it needs to be