RSPCA Friends of West Hatch Newsletter Spring 2021 | Issue 18 | Page 7

Were it not for delivering the session virtually it is unlikely I would have been able to have accommodated their request , so there ’ s certainly been some silver linings to this new way of working ! Furthermore , despite the setbacks of 2020 , I enjoyed speaking to 1,017 young people we might not otherwise have had the opportunity to engage on the topic of animal welfare . The number of young people reached is set to significantly increase during 2021 .
With this in mind , over the coming weeks I have a number of virtual sessions to be delivered via Zoom and Microsoft Teams to uniformed youth groups , home educating families and local college students .
Each session will aim to provide an insight into the work of the RSPCA , the five animal welfare needs and how people can better ensure that all animals ’ needs are met be they domesticated or wild species . Whilst virtual sessions work for some , not everyone enjoys or are able to engage with learning online .
With this in mind I have created and funded 130 activity packs containing a copy of our Animal Action magazine , home activity sheets , craft material and stickers . These were distributed to a variety of small charities before the end of February with a further 200 available late March in line with the release of our latest Animal Action magazine , with a total of 800 activity packs available to local children and young people between now and the end of 2021 . A method which will help to continue relationship building with local organisations whilst also providing enjoyable animal welfare themed opportunities to those where digital resources are not appropriate .
In addition to delivering virtual talks and creating activity packs , I have written to all primary and SEND schools across Somerset promoting our ‘ Compassionate Class ’ resources which are a great way for Key Stage 2 pupils ( Years 3-6 , those aged between 7 and 11 years ) to learn about how to become kinder and more compassionate towards animals . These resources , along with other home activities which are free to download from the RSPCA ’ s website have also been shared with a number of local home educator networks and youth organisations . We look forward to hearing how they have found using the resources , and hope to be able to follow up with some face-to-face workshops as restrictions begin to ease .
When I ’ m not planning or delivering educational sessions I ’ m often busy planning for the future . Centre Manager Bel and I recently submitted , with approval from West Hatch Parish Council , a project proposal to Somerset County Council for their Climate Emergency Community Fund . If successful we will deliver a range of educational talks and practical workshops for residents within the parish which would enable a variety of climate change mitigation activities to be undertaken here at West Hatch . Proposed activities include tree planting , hedgerow restoration and wild flower meadow development , amongst others .
Whilst we await the verdict of our proposal I continue to work with our internal fundraising team from RSPCA headquarters to secure the long term future of our education provision at the ‘ West Hatch Community Hub ’ by setting out my vision for the future expansion of our offering .
If you or someone you know might be interested in exploring educational opportunities for a local school , youth or community group , do email me using the email address stated below . I ’ d love to hear from you and look forward to exploring how we can work together to promote animal welfare across Somerset !


hayley . peart @ rspca . org . uk