We have been blown away by the generosity shown to us during the last year !
This has come in all sorts of forms , from donations , fundraising and offers of foster homes .
The pet company Interpet amazed us with their recent donation of over 30 Nylabones . As you can imagine the dogs really enjoyed receiving their new toys .
Sadly , at the time of writing there are still many degus from the same group waiting in other RSPCA Centres for their own forever homes .
We would like to thank everyone for their kindness . We could not continue doing the work we do without this support .
Degus are small , sociable rodents which are related to chinchillas and guinea pigs . They are active , busy animals which are very entertaining to watch and rewarding to interact with . They do have specific care and dietary needs which should be thoroughly researched before considering adoption , and we recommend a large 120 x 90 x 60 cm cage for three or more individuals .
Degus still available for adoption can be found at : rspca . org . uk / findapet
In their new home