RSPCA Friends of West Hatch Newsletter Autumn-Winter 2018 | issue 15 | Page 5

hatchlin gs ! This summer a grass snake came in to the wildlife centre having become trapped in netting. Whilst in our care she gave birth to 18 eggs. The eggs were carefully incubated and after six weeks thirteen of them successfully hatched. The babies were all released in a suitable safe habitat. Here they had shelter choices ranging from compost heaps to piles of deadwood and stones, and access to ponds, streams and a scrubby ground where they could hide and hunt for food. The photos here show the story from egg to hatchling. Amazon wish list For 5 years now we have had a wish list for both the Wildlife and Animal Centres. For anyone who hasn’t heard of this you can start a wish list online at Amazon of all the things you would like (much like a paper list). On our wish lists we have items that range from ping-pong balls for the kittens, to large items like paddling pools. The wish list enables people to buy gifts for the animals in our care, which then get delivered directly to us. Since this has been set up we have received around £6,000 worth of donated gifts. These items help to enrich the lives of the animal in our care, and are mostly things that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford on our budget.  It’s easy to donate, simply go to Amazon., click on “Your Lists” and then “Find a List” (search for RSPCA West Hatch). If you are thinking of donating then we can reassure you that every item is very much appreciated and put to good use, and if you have already donated we would like to say a huge thank you on behalf of all our animals.  5