Detached Boom sitting on Fenders . Note that the boom has moved forward of the mast and slightly torn the boom bag .
15 minutes of Heavens Gate berthing at NCYC marina , Peter and Matt were on Heavens Gate sizing up the situation and working out solutions . Within 45 minutes the boom was refitted and ready to go . If this does not exemplify the camaraderie of cruisers and the benefits of group cruising then nothing does .
The Restored Boom
That evening the group at Newcastle minus Albatross , Gypsy Princess , Cariad and Boree Creek , which were still at Fame Cove in Port Stephens , met for drinks in the NCYC .
From this date until departure date on 10 January , both groups were sitting out the most atrocious weather except that Cariad decided to make the dash from Port Stephens to NCYC marina the next day but were two hours too late and were hit by the southerly in Stockton Bight . We were surprised to see them pull up at the Newcastle dock with captain and crew looking very harried indeed and who reported 2 hours of 25-30 knot headwinds and frequently experiencing blue water over their bow .
Some of the comments about the conditions are ,