Sadly , Adeluna and Ruby had to return to Pittwater and departed Port Stephens at 5.30 am . We all really enjoyed their enthusiasm and contributions to the cruise and were sad to lose them from the cruise . As they arrived safely back we received word of their arrival .
Hi Greg . Ruby and Andeluna at RPAYC now . Thx again for great cruise . Safe travels to all . Best Peter & Judith
Ruby crew safely home and enjoying a gnt on the verandah . Thx again for a wonderful week . Greg and Margaret , great leaders and collaborators . A lovely diverse group who made us latecomers to the group very welcome . A fun run home in company of Peter and Judith .
Left Adeluna and Right Ruby – again , clicking on these will get you nowhere unless you simply want to enlarge the photo .
Lunch was at Shoal Bay Country Club . Lucid could not join us because they had grandchildren visiting . This is a really heart-warming photo of Bruce and his grandson Archie . Train them young Bruce .
and grandson Archie
Some photos for the rest of us to remember the time together at Shoal Bay Country club follow . The only downside to this event was that Bellissima had one of their oars stolen whilst on the beach . Another tender next to them which was not part of our group also had one oar stolen . Both tenders had their oars stored above the tubes rather than in the boat . To cap it off , their outboard then ran out of petrol on the journey back to their boat leaving them with one paddle to get back to their boat .