The Cliff top at Coal Shaft Bay – I can ’ t get you all in , would you please take one step backward
Panorama of Coal Shaft Bay - courtesy of Lucid
This was not the end of the tour however . As we all left Esmeralda Cove on our way back , we turned left instead of right and circumnavigated the whole of the island by passing through the narrow gap between Broughton Island and Little Broughton Island – see map . Ruby led us through a shallow rocky patch as they had done it on a previous visit to the island 10 years previously . Due to a level of scepticism about the clarity of their memories , the rest of us waited until they were through before following . Well done Ruby , no tenders lost . A north east wind was however building on the Providence Beach side so it was a bit of a wet ride back to Coal Shaft Bay , especially for Peter and Judith ’ s tender which had 4 on board . On the return trip we viewed Providence beach from the water , avoided the reef off the beach and some of us , saw turtles .