RP Daily 11 Jun, 2014 | Page 5


Nina Dobrev is the one person that grinds my gears when I see her. She is used for almost every person who has the same tendencies as Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries. Just like with Amber, there are so many other people that could be used, people that look the part more than what she does. She's very stereotypical for those kinds of characters.


Benedict Cumberbatch isn't one of those people that suit a lot of the characters that he is chosen for. Benedict fits perfectly for Sherlock, because of his manorisms, but when it comes to specific characters. He could be put to better use, personally. There are so many characters that could fit his face, and his personality. Plus, just a personal thing, but his face is weird looking.


Holland Roden is at the bottom of this list, because she isn't as bad as Amber Heard for example, but she's up there. It tends to be more OC's that over use her. She's made out to be the kind of character that is innocent, or more of a 'Regina George' kind of character, and it isn't what she is. There are plenty of better people