Royale Business Club Brochure volume 1 | Page 8

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Why do we need Sodium Ascorbate ?
The GLO Gene is absent in many people , scientists bel million years ago . The absence of this gene makes us unab enzyme L- gulonolactone oxidase . This is an end-stage liver enzyme that bio-converts blood glucose to Ascorbate , this means our bodies cannot produce any Ascorbate . In the long term , a lack ofAscorbate causes our bones to dissolve and teeth to fall out , in other words sub-clinical scurvy or a tendency in the development of cancer .
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Ascorbic Acid is produced in large quantities in almost all animals , e . g . 6 grams a day in a goat , or up to 100 grams daily if the goat is stressed . It is not Ascorbic Acid that our body requires , rather a SALT of Ascorbic Acid . A daily supplementation of Ascorbate several times a day is a simple way to make up for this genetic defect .