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' t ',,,,',,'. t ' Deodorant provides all-day-long protection from rt ' .
,,'' body odor with tri-active complex that lightens and
. ,. ,,.,, u1i '' r smoothens u ndera rms with reg u la r use . It a lso g ives
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.., .: l ,;?:':,'" that a ll day feeling of fresh ness a nd d ryness . Th is
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" jro anti-perspirant & deodorant is specially formulated for underarm skin combining highly effective skin lightening
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:'' agents that lighten underarms in just 2 weeks ,
o Arbutin and Glutathione , both powerful skin lightening
actives that prevent skin darkening and reduce existing pigmentation o Vitamin E improves and nourishes underarm skin ' s texture making it smooth
. A mixture of special ingredients makes underarm hair feel softeD finer and easier to remove
Use daily after bath and get that lighter and smoother underarms .