Royale Business Club Brochure volume 1 | Page 40

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259 per sachet 12 sachets per box
" Royald Blend Roasted Corn Powdered Beverage " is a healthy , high in fiber beverage that can be consumed regularly without adverse side effects . Continuous consumption of corn coffee invigorates one ' s bodily defense against diseases . To get the full benefit of powdered corn beverage , take also the fibrous residue . Drink regularly and you will be surprised by its good results day by day .
Fiber is helpfttl to the body in many ways ! o Relieving constipation and hemorrhoids , Fiber can absorb large amount of water in the bowels , and this makes stools softer and easier to pass .
. Keeping weight under control , Foods containing plenty of fiber have more bulk than low-fiber foods . If taken in the right form at the right time and at sufficient quantities , fiber can sometimes slow the onset of hunger .
. Preventing Certain Diseases . Getting enough fiber in the diet can lower the risk of developing certain conditions such as :
Heart disease
Divefticular disease
L _ _ _ _
- Gallstones and kidney stones
L-CARNITINE TARTRATE is a natural substance that most people are unaware of , yet many experts say that it is currently the best-researched
& dietary supplement in the world with 7822 studies listed , and fu , has every appearance of being a wonder remedy . Since it is non-toxic , without contraindication , adverse interactions
,& % and well-tolerated by young and adult , L-Carnitine tartrate
=+"' fu boosts many health benefits such as : q ' R , r . Helps prevent heart problems
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. Improvesvitality
. Helps slow down aging process o Increases the rate of fat burning in the body o Builds up lean muscle