, ffi ffi
2Bg per sachet 12 sachets per box
Three ( 3 ) Basic Ingredients : i ':
. Sugar , Creamer & Cocoa
Plus Five ( 5 ) Health Supplements :
. Contains beta carotene that is ten times more concentrated than carrots which helps
suppoft your body ' s defenses . o It has 60010 easy-to-digest vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol of meat , with all
the essential amino acids .
. It is a good source of Gamma-linolenic acid ( GLA ) found in mother ' s milk .
. Rich in iron , magnesium and trace minerals , and is easier to absorb than iron supplements . o It is the highest source of B-12 , essential for healthy nerves and tissues , especially for ' vegetarians . It has unusual phytonutrients for health and cleansing .