BENEFTTsoffirmuAn "
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, r ', # j- ' ;.#* SB [ ^ {$ A ( Arthrospira Platensis ) g , - :;
Sfuiffry i #: r @ rcscopic blue-green algae whose cells form the shape of a perfffi ';", spiratE * t 6ffinqnur " Spirulina , or little spiral ). It contains the most r ". u . Sfut concentratfuiffu $ Ftronat nutrients ever known in any food , plant , grain , or6trb ,. i ;:
BENEFTTsoffirmuAn "
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Spirulina and wdig6e-L * a " i
- a non-meat product ' Er $ 1porgfuins the highest protein content , alonggg * ith . all the essential nutrients and ffino € cids , without the unnecessary carbd-ry @ tes gr fats .
spirutina and chotest . roff ,' rS 4 , t '; \ - Contains Gamma-Linoteic AcffiGL * d , which is found , WqW ch ' mr !. srer ' s milk ; it
promotes heart health and lowBr $ oo * cholesterol a ; d St9lVmride levels .
SpirulinaandDiabetes o , i = l ,., ", i
- Spirulina has been found to nave $ t positive effeds on people suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus . Repqitsffidifue Srat spirulina has the ability to reduce blooJ sqgar-F _ vds in the podV after 6 : to of intake . ffiff
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S , spfuhrllrE qi { qrcer I E s-- ' .,, . q- boost the immune system . j1 ," ffi
;: Spir . ulina and Nutrition ,#, , : s ' . cJntainfall essential Amino Acids . zoxfutbta-Carotene than carrot
" Vitanilins B1r Be 86 , BL2 , C , E and H . Excell6t s @ ce of GLA ;.: #.. i
,, i .:. 9 r .
Spliufna n ' as long been established to ha $* lai & er fighting ingredients and helps
. 100x ' modVitamin A than Carrots . Provides , MaLinolenicfcidMLA ),' o 5Ox more Iron than Spinach
o lOx more Beta Carotene than Papaya
. t :' i :'
10x more Calcium than Mi + ft ,.,,, -,,,,, o 6x more Protein than Eggs :',,,,,,'.,
o 3x more Iron than Beef
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A rich source of Potassium , Calcium , Chromium , Copper , troh , U6 . frie { ffi-Marga- ; nese , Phosphorus , selenium , t : lr ,:, and , r .. nr ,
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€+. +. wHo sHou LD TAKE ,, SPrnUUmn ? ,,
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Ho sHouLD TAKE sPrHn-ty F .,,, 1 ,, * * t - ', * &+ i @ 1 . chitdren with , gra @ u " 6
"&."& inttke . ; " i .., H " E 2 . Teenagers wlig re6foe extninutrition during their rapid g # lindiyears . 3 , Pregnantqrom @ wtp need balanced nutrition . ;; ! 4 . Elderly peopte wfro have limited dietary options yet , req & te i wide spectrum of nutrieglb to maintain optimum health . It is also rre # easy to digest . S . nqplete - becarse it provides energy and impro * ry qtamina . O . popte . ivitlgffilnqqtspr t $ ise qho gt " . Wrpg . lafu , from diseases who need
", 3 :: Hffiffif : f ,' ffi ; Tffi $ Hffitr ## -' fl : H " e , $ s r :;: ii ; 1 . t :! iei :, ti '::
: t1- ' - : ar : . l .:: 1 .;:: l e . vegetmR . o , r , o . u , iacquireprotein , fi ' siirvegetable '* Spi *{} iaais 650 / o Protein By Weight ; 97 $ QEigestible Protein ( digestible protein
heavily on " fast " and processed foods instead of
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