Royale Business Club Brochure volume 1 | Page 11

HELPS LOWER CHOLESTEROL LEVELS . FIBERICH binds with cholesterol secreted in bile acids and excretes it before it is absorbed in the bloodstream . Taken as paft of a diet , low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heaft disease .
FIBERICH adds volume to your meals without adding calories and helps stave l-off hunger to keep you feeling full longer . bulk to thg stomach ffi , ffi ' b , JiQg . t . adds " water to '" form-Ta .. qel-like
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HELPS PREVENT DISEASES , FIBERICH acts like a " sponge " that has the ability to abso-rb toxins in the colon by creating a ,' s ' pbn 9y , gelatinous
mass in the bowels . Bvs lingr about 35 to 50 times its size an # biorbing water , it breaks down and m , oves toxic waste matter stuck in the fold * i * nd * eviees of the bowel . The inteStines require an adequate amount of bulk in order for peristalsis to occur . This spongy effect stimulates peristalsis , th € , rhyth mic muscular contractions in the bowel that