Royal Show Pietermaritzburg 2016 | Page 62

• • • Give your feet a break and your tummy a tre STOP in at Deutsches Haus for delectable German delicacies. Enjoy lunch in th shady, cordial atmosphere of the Kaffeestube (cafe) or simply relax with a goo cup of coffee while you watch show visitors pass by. Deutsches Haus is the Show stand of the Deutscher Verein Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg German Club) and is open to all. Proceeds from the sale of their cakes and beverages go towards a good cause. Deutscher Verein Pietermaritzburg’s friends and members meet regularly, sharing cultural achievements, experiences and memories from Germany, Aus tria and Switzerland. Their aim is to develop and promote closer ties with thes countries, as well as within southern Africa.