Royal Show Pietermaritzburg 2016 | Page 50

Know your g This year a total of 160 Boer Goats, Kalahari Reds and Savannah Goats will be compe These are all breeds that have been developed in BOER GOAT The Boer Goat is a large, well-muscled, white goat with a ch Africa as far back as 1691, and is gaining global popularity Boer Goats in many countries, including the United States. A mature Boer Goat buck can reach a mass in excess of 120 size and general appearance tend to deter predators, the B The breed is very fertile and boasts an achievable kidding p 180%. As a non-seasonal breeder, the Boer Goat can be suc KALAHARI RED The Kalahari Red is a red medium to large-framed meat go backwards and loose, supple skin with folds. It was bred fro ago in South Africa. Interest in the Kalahari Red breed is widespread, and has co breed, its excellent walking ability and good mothering att spring there) make it ideally suited to the harsh conditions The animals are fully pigmented and are therefore able to e to camouflage them from predators. SAVANNAH GOAT The Savannah is a medium to large white lob eared goat w to be bred in 1955 in a minimum-care environment close to adapt, survive and breed on typical savannah veld. It is now recognised as a fertile, heat and parasite-tolerant, its white colour, the Savannah goat is extremely well pigme