Royal Show Pietermaritzburg 2016 | Page 44

Standard Bank G THE Royal Agricultural Show has been the place for farmers to show their livestock for the past 166 years, and the Show’s cattle section has been renowned for generations. A wide range of breeds are represented every year and the highlight of this section of the Show is the Standard Bank Gold Cup award. It is the grand culmination of fierce competition between cattle breeders at the Show. Last year for the first time, the final judging for this award was held in the Main Arena at the Showgrounds in full view of the general public. With the setting sun as a backdrop, the best examples of bovine breeding were paraded for all to see, as the agricultural community held its collective breath in anticipation of the announcement of the winners. This year, all Royal Show visitors are invited to watch this event from the grandstand and witness the high levels of animal husbandry our farmers are attaining. The Royal Show’s Standard Bank Gold Cup takes place in the Main Arena on Thursday afternoon, June 2, from 4.30pm.