Royal Show Pietermaritzburg 2016 | Page 34

FREE-F-A-A-A-A EVER wondered what it would feel like to be a stunt person plunging from a four-storey building? Ever looked down from a height and felt the thrill of vertigo, and that pulling sensation enticing you to jump? Well now you need wonder no more. You can take that step into the void and experience the sensation of falling through the air unfettered, with the freefall bag jump — the Royal Show’s newest attraction. Choose the height you can handle and then jump from the platform onto a giant inflated cushion. It’s like bungee jumping, but without the bungee cord holding you back. The three-metre-deep cushion contains 11 air channels and three air chambers, as well as a safety bladder, and the landing is very forgiving — much softer than landing in water. Do flips and somersaults, challenge your friends or impress your partner. There is nothing to fear except fear itself!